i n t er glo bal plc


Get upto 4%* on our Savings Account Balances with Inter Global Bank PLC.

Dear Customer, We have launched Video KYC facility for New customer to open savings ac

Let’s Think of saving Money

Convenient banking options for you.

Platinum Savings

Savings Solutions
To Support Your Goals.

Starting with a minimum opening deposit of $50, Platinum Savings pays competitive rates while offering flexibility and easy access to your funds. Best of all, there’s no minimum balance requirement, and no monthly maintenance fee.

  • Minimum Opening Deposit: $50
  • Minimum Balance Requirement: None
  • Six FREE Monthly Withdrawals*
  • Competitively Tiered Rate Structure
  • Optional ATM Card

Super Money Market

Step to Make
Your Dreams Possible

Our Super Money Market Account offers a great rate, the liquidity to access your funds easily and free online banking. This account gives you simple flexibility to keep pace with your daily life.

  • Minimum Opening Deposit: $15,000
  • Minimum Balance Requirement: $15,000 Daily Ledger Balance
  • No Monthly Fee for Account Balances of $15,000*
  • Six FREE Monthly Withdrawals*
  • Optional ATM Card
  • Personal Identity Theft Coverage*

Gold Savings

Preparing For Life's Events

Whether you have been investing for years or are a first time investor, we will work with you through every step, educating you on your available options and future possibilities.

  • Minimum Opening Deposit: $25,000
  • Minimum Balance Requirement: $45,000 Daily Ledger Balance
  • No Monthly Fee for Account Balances of $20,000*
  • Six FREE Monthly Withdrawals*
  • Optional ATM Card
  • Fraud Monitoring System*
  • Purchase Security and Extended Protection*
  • Inter Global Bank PLC

    Platinum Savings

  • Inter Global Bank PLC

    Super Money Market

  • Inter Global Bank PLC

    Gold Savings a/c

Your Account in Easy Steps

We show our value by serving faithfully.

Questions & Answers

  • What is a savings account?

    A savings account is a type of bank account that allows individuals to deposit and save their money while earning some interest on the balance. It is typically used for short-term savings and emergency funds.

  • What is a checking account?

    A checking account, also known as a current account, is a type of bank account that allows frequent transactions such as withdrawals, deposits, and payments. It is often used for day-to-day expenses and bill payments.

  • What is the difference between a debit card and a credit card?

    A debit card is linked to a checking account, and when you make a purchase, the money is immediately deducted from your account. On the other hand, a credit card allows you to borrow money from the card issuer up to a certain credit limit. You need to repay the borrowed amount, usually with interest, at a later date.

  • What is a mortgage?

    A mortgage is a loan used to finance the purchase of a property, typically a home. The borrower (homebuyer) repays the loan over time, and the property serves as collateral for the loan.

  • What is online banking?

    Online banking (also known as internet banking) allows customers to perform various banking transactions and services over the internet, such as checking account balances, transferring funds, paying bills, and more.